Greetings from State Civil,

 Mark your calendars for an event like no other-  State Civil’s Live Town Hall. It will be an amazing opportunity to collaborate and learn from the surrounding counties as to how they managed and continue to manage their caseloads. This information will be valuable to attorneys as most of us practice in the multiple surrounding counties and the procedures in other counties is often a topic of conversation.

The event will include CLE and CJE credits.

 Wednesday, May 17th, 2023

From 4-6 pm

The Great City Hall – Ceremonial Courtroom

 The panel includes Judges Idee Fox, Lisette Shirdan-Harris, and Daniel Anders of the First Judicial District along with President Judge Carolyn Carluccio from Montgomery County, President Judge Wallace Bateman from Bucks County, and President Judge Linda Cartisano and Liaison Trial Judge for the Civil Division,  Judge Barry Dozer from Delaware County.   Also, Laurie Besden, Executive Director of Lawyers Concerned For Lawyers will spend some brief time at the end of the presentation to speak out the challenges we face in our profession.

 Included in the price of the CLE or if you just want to come afterwards for a small fee, State Civil will be hosting a reception afterwards at Conversation Hall with outstanding food and libations that celebrate each of the unique counties.

 Denise M. Mandi, Esquire

Senior Trial Attorney, Law Offices of Jerry S. Eisenberg

Mount Laurel Staff Counsel Office of Selective Insurance Company

309 Fellowship Road, Suite 330

Mount Laurel, NJ 08054

Phone: 856-778-3210/cell: 609-315-0213







